
Morality Of One Spending All Their Time And Money On Family And Friends

Decent Essays

This argumentative essay will discuss the morality of one spending all their time and money on family and friends, rather than helping others. I will argue that it is morally correct to spend all your time and money on friends and family because every individual should be autonomous and govern their own life based on their values. I will argue this with the fact that as humans, we are rational beings and have the ability to give value to our beliefs through action. If a person believes that it is of greater importance to only dedicate their time and money to family and friends, then they must use their autonomy to act in such a way that affirms these beliefs. It is morally correct for a person to spend all their time and money on family …show more content…

Throughout Hare’s writing on utilitarianism, many points can be drawn to say he has a clear objection to not giving to all, those you know and those you don’t know, equally. Hare says that everyone is equal and therefore we must, “show equal respect and concern for all”. (Hare 2009, 87) He says this in conjunction with Bentham’s statement on the equality of all persons, “Everybody to count for one, nobody for more than one” (cited in Mill 1861: Ch. 5). (Hare 2009, 87) This is to say that you should not view any single person as more than another person regardless of circumstance, “in making moral judgments we have to be impartial between the interests of the people affected by our judgments”. (Hare 2009, 87) This entails that not giving to everyone would be a direct violation of morality in Hare’s eyes. In my argument I will discuss why I believe this point faults and cannot be used within the parameters of the giving situation I am arguing for.
Continuing in my exposition I will now introduce an objection that Hare raised in his writing, this is the objection that I will use and expand in my argument. The lack of recognition for the distinction of every individual person is one of the most common objections to utilitarianism. (Hare 2009, 88) In Hare’s writing he says that this objection should not be accepted because departing

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