
Motivation In Hoosiers Analysis

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Clarice Bell Perry Williams SPM 146 March 18th, 2024 Motivation in Hoosiers is a sports drama film released in 1986. The movie is set in the small town of Hickory, Indiana, in the early 1950s. The film follows the arrival of Norman Dale, the new high school basketball coach who has a controversial past but is determined to turn the struggling basketball team into champions. Dale faces heavy resistance and skepticism from the townspeople and players, including Jimmy Chitwood, the star of the team. Jimmy initially quits the team, but ends up rejoining later on. Despite initial setbacks, Coach Dale gradually gained the trust of the team and the community. Using unconventional coaching methods, hard work, and discipline, the team begins to improve, defy expectations, and …show more content…

Cognitive-behavioral theory states that mental imagery (visualization) can influence emotional and behavioral processes. Emotional control goes along with the emotion regulation theory, which refers to the ability to track, evaluate, and change emotions. Strategies included in emotional regulation include mindfulness practices and expressive suppression. The mental skills shown throughout Hoosiers align with several theoretical development theories, which provide insight into how the skills can be enhanced and developed through practice and coaching. Hoosiers showed a good portrayal of some mental skills, including focus, perseverance, confidence, and goal setting, but a weaker portrayal of teamwork, visualization, and emotional control. Coach Dale very clearly emphasizes the need for the team to block out distractions and focus on the game. Hoosiers is all about perseverance, which is shown when the players continue to work hard and overcome adversity. The belief that Coach Dale has in his team contributes heavily to the development of confidence throughout the

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