
Mount Isa Research Papers

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Mount Isa
Mount Isa is a small town located in north-west Queensland, with a population of approximately 22,500. The town is nice and quaint, with lots of look out spots and national parks. As nice as this sounds, the town has polluted air. The mining industry has damaged the town environment and enraged some of the local citizens. Apart from the lead pollution, it’s a fairly similar to any other small town. Mining in the Community

Mount Isa mines two different materials: zinc and copper. It is important that these minerals are mined because they play a big role in our society. Mount Isa is the biggest zinc resource base, and biggest underground mine network, in the world. Such a large workplace needs 3,200 employees, which allows benefits …show more content…

There have been several cases of lead poisoning in Mount Isa, especially in young children. A study in 2010 by Queensland Health showed that 11% of children had concerning levels of blood in their system. For all the good that the mines have done for the town, it has taken it away by damaging the air.

Environmental Impact of Mining

The ABC has had speculations in the past year as the whether or not the Mount Isa is environmentally damaging. The University did a study on the air pollution.

“It identified small children as the most vulnerable to the heavy metal because it could cause significant health impacts, including impairing their development.” Donna Field, ABC News.

This means that the community is located too close to the mines are breathing in damaging chemicals and giving them lead poisoning.

Test on the Mount Isa residents showed that almost 10% of the population has concerning levels of lead, approximately 2250 people. Fortunately, the lead levels in children were lower than in adults. However, the longer the children live in the town, the more lead they will have in their blood stream. This is a very bad thing, as high lead-blood levels can lead to seizures, hair loss, anaemia and a number of problems with your

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