
Movie Analysis: Examples Of Conflict Management In The Movie

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Summary of the film

When Billy (Vince Vaugn) and Nick (Owen Wilson) are retrenched from their jobs, Nick is left feeling dejected while Billy is left feeling more determined than ever. Nick unwillingly accepts a shortlived job from his sister’s boyfriend when Billy presents him with an ultimatum. Either work amongst mattresses and alongside his sister’s crude arrogant boyfriend for the rest of his life, or join billy in an interview for an internship at Google. Nick sceptical at first, accepts Billy’s offer. Their hilarious interview is reviewed at Google and it seemed as no one took them seriously but one. Billy and Nick are old souls who have a limited understanding of technology and so when they are accepted as interns at Google they soon …show more content…

An example of conflict management in the film includes:
• There is constant conflict throughout the film thanks to the arrogant character of Graham Hawtrey (Max Minghella). Graham is a British intern who has no regard for the feelings of others. He even insults his team members eg. Constantly calling one of his team members fat. Throughout the film he tries to separate Nick and Billy’s team by bullying them into quitting. For example when Billy is in the sauna in the movie, he is joined by a scheming Graham. Graham tells Billy that he had done research on Billy. He then brings up personal things such as Billy’s wife leaving him and Billy losing his job, in order to derail him. Graham tells Billy that whatever he does in life he always finds a way to mess it up, insinuating that Billy should just quit because he has no chance of getting the job against Graham. This however, does not faze Billy. Billy makes use of the technique avoidance. He ignores all of Graham’s remarks because he believes in himself and that he will succeed no matter what. Much to Graham’s annoyance, as he was trying to rattle Billy. But Billy’s perseverance and refusal to believe that he was not worthy paid off in the end when he and his team won the permanent

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