
Moving Away Narrative

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We had pulled into a modest cul-de-sac and inched into a plain driveway; my heart was still hurting and my stomach felt so twisted and distorted that I could have thrown up. What was I supposed to suspect? Moving had been nothing more than a usual routine in my life; going to this new home shouldn’t have brought me any discomfort or unfamiliarity. Although moving was a normalcy for me, this change felt more unusual and a lot more sudden than the rest. We spent the whole car ride glancing out of the window watching cars and trees race by, slowly recognizing the partially familiar town of Springville: a city that which we had lived briefly once before. The whole car ride was a big blur that felt like being in a heavy dream-state. Parts of myself …show more content…

One day, my siblings and I were over at our dad’s house for a short visit. My older brother Andrew was six years old, me, five years old, and my younger sister, who was two years old. No matter how often our dad was in our lives, we never had anger towards him, because those short moments that we go to see him were always a blast. The day consisted of long games of wrestling and pillow fights and laughter and the best kind of tickle-torture. We watched movies and pigged out on all sorts of unhealthy treats. Being four years old, I don’t remember anything more than pure happiness in those moments. The visit with was action-packed and everything we dreamed it to be-- until we all fell …show more content…

There were multiple homes I lived in while growing up, I can count five on the top of my head. Some of these houses were homes of the many boyfriends she obtained on and off again. After many years of switching schools, moving from home to home, different boyfriends that I can’t even remember the names of, my mom got together with her most recent boyfriend, the longest relationship she has ever been in. My mom has been together with this guy for such a long time, that they managed to have a child together, which is my younger brother named

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