
Moving To A Small Town Research Paper

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For me the move to Charlotte was a big improvement from my hometown. Yes the move does have its downside but when comparing the overall positives to the negatives, the good outweighs the bad. Coming from me that is major because when my mother first told me and my sister that we were moving I was not the happiest camper. The thought of moving from the country side to the city, did not excite me at all.
My home town is none other than small town Greenwood located in South Carolina. Greenwood is a very small town population 69,520. A town so small that everyone seemed to know everyone, this was my least favorite thing about living there. But the peace and quiet and green scenery outweighed it. Don’t get me wrong the fact that everyone …show more content…

Also with the town being so small and everyone well acquainted with each other may be the main reason the crime rate was so low and that most of all was very comforting. Other than safety in the town and the hype of basketball season I really wish the town wasn’t so small, mainly when it comes to just wanting some privacy. It seems no matter who you are friends with or dating everyone either knows them, dated them, or “heard something” about them, this gets to be so annoying you are not what to believe about friends or significant others. When something actually does happen to family, friends, and significant others news travels fast since most neighborhoods are close together and there are only two high schools. Which is why I, for so long I chose not to date anyone within my city. Another negative that came with living in a small town was the town didn’t have much to offer as far as entertainment, there aren’t many stores and very few restaurants, and the one mall that we do have would be considered a half of a mall compared to bigger cities, our mall had about nine stores, and those stores were not that great of a selection. And …show more content…

Then I remember the great things I loved about greenwood. The peace and quietness of the country side is what I loved the most, less distractions when you needed time to focus, no loud cars and sirens when you needed rest, and just sitting outside enjoying the fresh air without hearing a lot of racket. Living the country side allowed you have your own personal space, not having another family that lived so close to you that you felt they were in your own yard. There was so much land around my home I could enjoy things like having a full court to shoot hoops on, enjoy things like riding go carts, four wheelers, and dirt bikes. Not only did I enjoy have all that space, but so did my dog Snoopy, he was able to roam freely and mark his territory where ever he pleased. Not only did I have the comfort of the low crime rate and the comfort of having space, your own getaway within your home, but I also had the comfort of my a few family member who were my neighbors, all of my near neighbors were my family members, with them living so close they were there to help raise me, and I am so thankful to have had family so

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