
Mr Ewell Lie In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Throughout this journal, I will be predicting why Mr. Ewell would lie during court. There are a multitude of explanations why Mr. Ewell would lie, one being he wants to create an improved reputation for the Ewells family. One reason why Mr. Ewell wants to conceive a better reputation for his family is, he knows the talk around Maycomb about how everybody assumes the worst about them. The Ewells are a dirt poor and grimy people. They do not have an excellent reputation because of how they live, treat, and act around the citizens of Maycomb. If he lies about the truth on the stand, he will then show that the Ewells are treated poorly even by the African-Americans. The house of the Ewells is behind the town dump and is mistreated, unloved, and disheveled, this house is a symbol of how the Ewells are as a family. …show more content…

The Ewell family is known as the students who only go to school for the first day then never show up again until the next year. Mr. Ewell lied about the truth because he wanted to show that the Ewells are helpless humans who need help, so if he made Mayella look like the victim, people will then get the impression that they need assistance. Mr. Ewell lied for Mayella and himself, he wanted to show that Mayella was the victim and that she should be treated like a victim. He lied for himself because he wanted to hide the truth, the truth was that he beat his daughter. One of the last reasons why Burris yearns for a better reputation is he knows that Maycomb sees them as the dirtiest and most poverty-stricken people in the town. In the book the author wrote, “Nobody had occasion to pass by except at Christmas, when the churches delivered baskets, and when the mayor of Maycomb asked us to please help the garbage collector by dumping our own trees and trash.” (Lee

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