
Mr Hyde Duality

Decent Essays

“The Strange Cases of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,” is a very intricate story of the duality of man. The story is a tale of a man that is not happy in his current self, a higher class - good guy that every one likes to be around. Dr. Jekyll is hunting a bad side, he wants to be an evil, dangerous man. His desire to achieve this second life takes him into a very strange psychological state. Once entered this state, Dr. Jekyll has began the process of becoming Mr. Hyde, and eliminating Dr. Jekyll. In “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,” Dr. Jekyll has become lost with his inner self. He has led himself to believe that the man that he is is not the man that he wishes to be. Dr. Jekyll is now seeing himself as a man of evil, a man that people should consider dangerous. Not the man he is now, a gentle, higher class man that people enjoy to spend time with and one who people respect. Even though Dr. Jekyll fails to have a real logical reason behind why he has this great desire to become Mr. Hyde, it doesn't stop him from this driving passion to become Mr. Hyde. This shows the psychological side of the story, and how Dr. Jekyll wishes to become Mr. Hyde for the sole reasoning of just wanting a different life. Psychologically, Dr. Jekyll is in a very different state of mind. While we see that Dr. Jekyll wishes to become a …show more content…

Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” is a story centered around the dualism of man and this disorder. The story does a great job displaying the effects, what the disorder is, and how much this disorder can take over a mans life. The story allows the reader to read the story and see Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde as two different men, only to realize that they are the same man. This provides a point of view similar to Dr. Jekyll’s. It’s such a unique story, plot, and construction of a story that it was an instant classic. It truly gives insight to how clever Robert L Stevenson's mind is, and how innovative he is as a writer. He was ahead of his

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