
Munich Pact Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

One of the most controversial documents of World War 2 was the appeasement signed on September 30, 1938 in Munich, Germany. The document known as the Munich Pact gave Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland to Adolf Hitler in hopes he would not seek additional territory. Before the appeasement was signed, Nazi Germany had previously taken multiple aggressive actions. In 1937, it had attacked a small city in Spain and in 1938 (before the appeasement was signed) it had invaded Austria. The Prime Minister of Britain began negotiations with Hitler in pursuit of achieving another war, which resulted in appeasement. This appeasement encouraged Hitler’s aggression as he gained confidence to attack and attempt to gain more territory. Ultimately, this was the wrong policy for England to pursue in 1938. The Munich Pact, as it was known, was unnecessary, gave Germany time to rearm, and 7f. …show more content…

To many, this made appeasement seem unnecessary because it had nothing to slow down in terms of military advancement. Instead of appeasement, a show of great force would have “caused Hitler to either stand down, or begin war with far less support than he had a year ago” (Document C). Great Britain did the opposite of this, and eventually gave into Hitler's demands. Giving Hitler what he wanted, which was Sudetenland, would only cause “Czechoslovakia to be engulfed in the Nazi Regime” (Document B). Germany’s docile state at the time of the appeasement made created little to no necessity for

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