
Music Synthesis Essay

Good Essays

Do music lyrics really destroy a teenager's personality?
Does it cause suicide and depression for teenager's?
“Music affects emotions and teens use music to enhance or intensify their mood or to change mood directions “-(Source A)
Do music lyrics have a negative influence on a teenager's mind?
Many people believe music has a wrong effect on a teenager because of music lyrics and references in the music.
They believe it promotes content like drugs or violence.
Music lyrics give teenagers something to think about.
Music lyrics aren't “wrong” depending on what kind of music you're listening to.
Music lyrics should not be seen as negative in a teenager's life.

First, music lyrics give teenager's something to think about while they listen to the …show more content…

My opponents may claim that, “Music lyrics can harm a teenager's mind, they may have sexual or drug references that may be seen to a teenager as “OK” since it may be on live radio”.
This belief may be true to an extent. However, I don't see you're point in how music lyrics harm a teenager's mind, they are the ones who choose the music along with knowing what is right and what is wrong.
What is wrong is forcing a teenager to listen to something they don't like or not allow them to hear music at all.
Furthermore, music should never be seen as negative in a teenager's life. Music is what gives teenager's more thought, it's what helps them with homework and school. Music should be seen as an art instead if a negative symbol.
I put much thought into my rebuttal and I believe what I said is true. The opposing argument believes that music is negative but why can it not be a positive? That is why I believe my counterargument is true to thought.

Do music lyrics have a negative influence on a teenager's mind?
Many people believe music is not good for an adolescent's mind because of drug and violence references in the

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