
My Biological Father : My, Father, And Core Beliefs

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Core Beliefs My biological father was never a part of my life growing up. I was fortunate to have my Grandfather and my Uncle in my life. I shudder to think about how I would have ended up, had they not been a part of my development. A few years ago, I was forced to look at myself in a far deeper manner than I had ever done before. My biological father decided that after almost 50 years he wanted to be a part of my life. This experience made me look at who I am and why I believe the things that I do. This unwelcome interaction with him was a painful and uncomfortable struggle for me. Many unpleasant memories came to the surface. More importantly, it forced me to look at why I do the things that I do and why I believe certain others. My belief system has guided my life. It was not until I began to peel back the layers of my non-existent relationship with my father that I began to understand what drives me. I live a life motivated by family, accountability, honor, and defense of those who cannot defend themselves.
I grew up in a small town in eastern North Carolina. As an adult, I went into law enforcement. I have served in various roles including State Drug Enforcement Agent, Chief Investigator, and Chief Deputy. I grew tired of the politics as a Chief Deputy and went to work for a public safety software company. My job allows me an opportunity to interact with law enforcement agencies across the country. Work is fun because it does not feel like work to me. Years ago, I

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