
My Birth Family : The Worst Day Of My Life

Decent Essays

I was born in Columbus I was left in the hospital after being born by my mother, my grandparents took me home and I lived there for 7 years. One of my brothers named Mason was also living there because my mother didn’t want him, a like all of her kids except my little sister. My grandpa was sick and he was in and out of the hospital, he apparently had cancer but he never wanted to go the doctor to take care of it. One night when he could come home from the hospital I slept with him and when I woke up he was dead. That day was one of the worst days of my life, along with my grandma. My grandma was broken it seemed and a year or two later she became sick as well. She had to be put permanently in a nursing home and then I had to live with my birth mother, her boyfriend and my little sister Elizabeth. I lived there for about 2 months and then my aunt picked me up from school and filed for temporary custody. My aunt and uncle, i’ve been living with had to keep going to court because my birth mom kept filing for custody, she originally never had custody of me, my grandma always did. Since my birth mom would have to get her house checked and take parent classes she didn’t go through with filing for custody. The reason she didn’t go through with it is that she does drugs and her boyfriend sells the drugs for money because neither of them had a job. My grandma was the one to tell my aunt to file for custody for me. My grandma didn’t want me living in such a home. During those two

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