
My Brothers, And Brothers And Sisters

Decent Essays

Growing up without my parents together and always arguing about who's going to have the custody of myself and brothers and sisters was not something easy. My parents separated when I was about seven years old. The separation made me not only a stronger person, but it made more mature when it comes to education and life. My education is something that I have been fighting for since the separation. Both of my parents have some education. My mother completed her GED, and my dad graduated from the high school I currently attend Columbia Heights Education Campus (CHEC) .
My eighth-grade year was when my life changed. I had good grades and had a future of going to a school of arts in the city that I live. I was living with my dad in the states. Meanwhile, my mom was living in the Dominican Republic. My parents had gone their way in life. My mother had her husband in the Dominican Republic and my dad had his wife in the states. Finishing my eighth-grade year my stepmom told my father that she did not want me in the house. My father said that I couldn't be in the house because there was no nobody to take care my brother and I. My only option was to go back to the Dominican Republic where my mother was.
In the Dominican Republic, my mom had my brothers, sisters and myself enrolled in school. Coming from the US and studying in a foreign country was something challenging. In November of my “freshman year” in high school, everything was going great until my great grandmother died of

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