
My Car-Personal Narrative

Satisfactory Essays

Opening my eyes, I look over to my paper thin tv for the time, noticing that I still have 30 mins till I have to get up I doze off into a soft sleep. Awaking from the blaring noise of my alarm I get up to brush my teeth. As I walk over to the wash bowl, where we wash our hands and brush our teeth, I reach over to grab my toothbrush off it's charger. As I was brushing my teeth, I noticed that it was almost time for me to leave for school. I searched around my closet for a shirt and some jeggings, my usual wardrobe for school, I head towards my broke in tennis shoes. Heading downstairs, I grab my computer holder and my headphones and head for school.

Walking outside in the bright warm morning, I look up at the bright blue sky as the birds fly above my neighborhood. Opening my car door from my keys, I crouch down to step into my car. I sent my car to it's normal morning route and it stars me on my way to school. As my auto driving car sets out to school, I touch up on my …show more content…

Setting my car off of Autodrive, I drive home delighted to come home. Looking at the green filled neighborhoods and the tall, beautiful trees that filled the parks. Passing by our neighborhood grocery store I notice all the families going in and out of the store. As I drive up into the driveway, I grab my laptop and head inside. Touching the finger ID to get into the house I open the door to an open house. Stepping into the living room, I sit down as the TV turns on by a motion device, as I pull out my phone, I typed the Sports channel to see if any basketball games were on. Later on into the day I look down to my watch to come to realize that it was 10 mins till dinner. As I stand up, I notice my mom finishing up the table for dinner. After dinner I head back up to my room to go wash up and get ready for bed. As I get done brushing my teeth I put my watch and phone on the charger and head to bed to rest up to repeat for

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