
My Cell Narrative

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As I woke up on the cold concrete floor of my cell, I could feel my eyes still heavy after what felt like 15 hours of sleep. The needle dripping with the last few drops of heroine had rolled under my bed. My bunkmate was nowhere in sight. “Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen.”, I heard faintly from outside my cell. “Twenty-one.” It took me about five more minutes of laying there until a realized what was going on. I hurried outside to join the others, while still trying to be discreet. “Well look who decided to join us. Where were you Anderson, knitting us all sweaters? Or baking cookies in your mansion’s glorious kitchen?” “No, C.O. Wright”, I said. “I overslept and lost track of t…” I couldn’t finish my sentence before feeling the hard blow of his boot hitting my …show more content…

“Well look,” said Sophie. “You have..what? Like 7 more months left in this place? Trust me, it’ll be over before you know it. “I hope so..”, I told her before leaving for my cell. There I laid on my pillow. I thought that maybe if I could wean myself off of heroine, my time here might not be so miserable. But who am I kidding? Even I didn’t believe that. It’s the only thing that keeps me near sane. I heard hard, rubber boots hit the ground, coming towards my cell. It was C.O. Wright. “Supply closet, now.”, he commanded. I got off my feet and headed there. I waited for around 3 minutes, touching the towels used for cleaning that were of a much better quality than the towels we were granted to clean ourselves with. I saw the door handle open. C.O. Wright stepped in and and went into his boxers to pull out a little baggie of heroin, just for me. I reach and he pulls back. “Now we’ve been doing this way too long for you to expect me to give this to you upfront. You know the fucking routine, Anderson.” I say nothing and nod as I take my clothes of for another half hour of shame. “7 ½ more months”, I think to myself as he lies his sweaty body on top of

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