For my Clinical experience, I was referred to one of community clinics run by nurse practitioners - yes, NPs- in Suffolk County in Long Island by my coworker. It is called “Nightingale Preventative Care.” I am working in the ER and at first, I thought this clinic would be a type of urgent care office which is a similar setting to the ER. I was totally wrong. For the past two weeks, this place has surprised me many ways and I learned about what the community clinic is alike to its neighbors. Patients can be seen by NPs by the appointment. However, it is located inside of K-mart and has many walk-in patients as well. Many patients who come to visit for their check-up have no medical insurance. Every Wednesday, a representative from Fidelis Care insurance company comes and provides information about Medicaid and Medicare service the company has. I really like to sit down with patients and assess about their medical histories and family histories which I cannot do often in the ER. I had a patient who was Hepatitis A Ab, Total positive Abnormal first day I work at the clinic. He didn’t understand what the test result meant and neither did I. I printed out an article from National Library of Medicine and went over with him. Patient’s education in the ER rarely happens from nurses. I felt great to listen what patients tried to lose their weight or quit smoking. I like to continue on developing skills on patient’s education and preventative care measure for patients.
While reflecting back on the previous weeks, I have to say that this was the foundational class for the FNP students. Before this class, I used to think how I am going to fulfill the role of a Nurse Practitioner (NP). This class helped me to better understand my role and gave me the confidence that I can fulfill the role of an NP. Today, when I look at myself, I know I am in the stage of advanced beginner in Patricia Benner’s Novice to expert theory. The case studies in the discussion threads really put me in the real world of practical nursing as an NP fulfilling the role of a provider. Thorough the case studies, I have learned how to make a best differential diagnosis based on the patients presenting symptoms. The interaction and sharing
During my four years as an RN I’ve had the chance to care for many interesting and wonderful people, many of them during the worst days of their lives. Many of the people you meet are sad, angry, anxious and very scared.
My new role as an adult/gerontology nurse practitioner (AGNP), will be part of team that provides care for Long-term acute care LTAC, Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF), or Rehabilitation hospital. After gaining considerable experience, my focus in future will be working in home healthcare and primary care clinics. My scenario will involve an organization that provides innovative, collaborative, health care team for one hundred bed LTAC Hospital. Working as an LTAC registered nurse, I noted that, despite the variety of diagnosis, majority of patients’ presents to LTAC hospital have wounds that require complex wound care management. The wounds can range from pressure ulcers to non-healing illness/injury wounds such as diabetic foot ulcer, venous leg ulcers, and post-surgical wounds among others. For this assignment, my scenario will focus on the role of Nurse Practitioner (NP) on skin care and wound managements.
KR is a single 55 year old African American man providing primary care for his mother who’s health is abruptly declining due to dementia. Recently, KR has expressed the care of his mother requires excessive responsibility and the care has become burdensome. KR is susceptible to burnout if he is not able to cope with the caregiving requirements As a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), referrals for hospital and community based services, such as hospice or in-home care that are available to support KB and the care his mother should be prepared. Family caregivers frequently seek approval and support from health care professionals as they make decisions regarding the needs of their family member. It is imperative that family caregivers are aware of
It is very important for the Nurse Practitioner (NP) to know how the employer is billing for NP services. There are several different ways for the NP to get reimbursed for the services they render to their patients. The reimbursement method can get complicated, and the NP must be aware of the rules and regulations prior. For example, “Medicare will pay 85% of the physician rate for the services”(Bupper. C, 2011), when the NP renders service and bills by using their own NPI. However, if the NP is working with the physician, the NP can bill under the physician’s provider number, and acquire reimbursement at the full rate. This can get complicated because there are certain rules and regulations that would need to be followed. See below:
The specialty area selected by this author among the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) roles was that of the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP). High among the list of reasons for choosing the FNP specialty track was the ability to care for patients who lack healthcare insurance, are of limited financial resources, or are stigmatized. The type of organization that would allow me to provide high-quality, patient-centered care in a manner consistent with my professional aspirations would be a Primary Care Organization (PCO). Being part of a PCO would allow me to implement clinical skills that are distinctive of the care provided by the FNP, such as to educate patients regarding management of chronic conditions as well as counseling on disease prevention and health promotion strategies. These skills would be provided in addition to the well-established responsibilities shared with other healthcare providers; such as performing examinations, making diagnoses, prescribing medications
The road of a Nurse Practitioner has multiple educational stages including organizations that help the students interested in this field. These professional organizations have played a huge role in supporting their members and the institution they work for. For instance, these organizations use a variety of activities such as communication, education, recognition, advocacy, and research to develop a sense of leadership while making the students able to make decisions that will improve the quality of the healthcare practice. There are many organizations that work on the growth and quality of the healthcare service, however, the following not only are on the top of the list but they also are specifically dedicated to the role of a Nurse Practitioner. A well-known national professional organization that supports the development and encourage leadership skills for the Nurse Practitioner students is the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). The American Academy of Nurse Practitioners or (AANP) is the only full-service national professional membership organization for nurse practitioners of all specialties, without mentioning that it is the largest one. As a student, the enrollment
The National Council of State Board of Nursing (NCSBN) is a governmental body mandated to regulate nursing practice in various states in the United States of America. Each state has its own regulatory rules that must be adhered to by every practicing nurse in the concerned region. Depending on the location of the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN), the NCSBN subdivides nursing practice regulations into three different classes: full practice, partial practice, and restricted practice. Therefore, it is of the essence to examine the nature of practice in different states before an APRN begins training. This paper will take a detailed look at the state of nursing practice in Texas and Arizona. Apart
Healthcare is changing. The medical field has advanced and healthcare professionals must adapt. With increasing needs for affordable and available healthcare, there is a strong need to maintain the role of family nurse practitioners. By clearly understanding and defining the scope of practice, supporting the consensus model, and ensuring collaboration among other professionals will help preserve the role of family nurse practitioners in advanced practice nursing.
I have always wanted to be a nurse: I do not think there is any task that is as satisfying as treating a patient physically, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. I first pursued my LPN, and immediately I knew I had chosen the right career path. Every day, no matter how tired and weary I felt at the end of the day, I was invigorated by the sense that I had made a positive change in the lives of my patients. To build upon my capabilities to help others, I then pursued my RN. I am currently in an RN-BSN program and hope to begin a graduate program subsequently to become a family nurse practitioner.
In this article, it explains the duties, work environment, licenses and certificates and also the education of a Nurse Practitioner. Nurse practitioners typically take or review patient’s medical histories. Besides doing that, nurse practitioners also are known to examine patients, order and interpret diagnostic tests, such as x-rays or blood tests. NPs also are able to diagnose a patient’s injury or illness like a doctor can and can also give treatments for patients with broken bones or even immunization get patients. Along with physicians, NPs can also work independently. Their particular obligations and the degree to which they should be regulated by doctors or specialists contrast from state to state. They are not confined to work in a specific area of medicine. A Nurse Practitioner area of work includes primary care and family medicine, emergency medicine, surgery, psychiatry also mental health. Some APRN duties are the same as those for registered nurses, including gathering information about a patient’s condition and taking action to treat or manage the patient’s health. The only difference is that NPs have the ability to refer patients to specialists, both diagnose and treat ailments and order tests. APRNs likewise may
Major role in the Medical Field; Becoming a Nurse Practitioner “To do what nobody else will do, a way that nobody else can do, in spite of all we go through; that is to be a nurse” (Williams, Rawsi, 2014). Nurse practitioners are nurses who are qualified to treat certain medical conditions without the direct supervision of a doctor (Google, 2015). NPs require a lot of education because they are an important job in society. Their level of education is much higher than most nurses. They go to school to be able to do more than one occupation in the medical field and they put it all together to become a Nurse practitioner.
The specialty for which I was admitted to South University is the Nursing with a specialization in Family Nurse Practitioner Master of Science in Nursing. The need and demand for specialty nurses have evolved over the years. There are several APRN roles as delineated by the APRN Consensus Model (2008), an advanced practice nurse can work as a clinical nurse specialist (CNS), certified nurse practitioner (CNP), certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA), and certified nurse midwife (CNM). With the changing health care system and the diminishing availability of primary care doctors, many patients are seeing Nurses Practitioners and other APRNs for their primary care needs. According to the textbook, Advanced Nursing Practice: An
This week I collaborated with my patient, colleagues, the nurses, and my clinical instructor. Collaboration with my client consisted of helping him with his ADLs and while performing his physical examination. Most of the day consisted of collaborating with one of my colleagues, Emily. This week we were both team leaders, so we had to communicate with the nurses at three different stations along with collaborating with the rest of our colleagues. We collaborated by asking the nurses, what patients needed their blood sugars taken. Once we received the list of room numbers, Emily and I collaborated and assigned other students to take blood sugars. When they were done collecting the blood sugars they reported the values to us, then we reported
Nursing students face many challenges due to their narrow scope of practice, and lack of experience and knowledge. This changes with the development and learning of values and beliefs, which shape the decision making in the nursing process. During my clinical nursing practice experience as a new nursing student, I have had amazing learning opportunities as well as situations that made me feel uncomfortable, powerless, and dependent on the assigned nurse. In this paper I will talk about one of my clinical experiences where I felt powerless, analyze it, and show how the sociopolitical inquiry and power dynamics come into play in my story.