
My College Admissions Essay: A Career As A Leader

Satisfactory Essays

As a freshman, I was not exactly an outgoing person. Shy and reserved, I kept to myself when it came to large scale events. I had leadership qualities, yet I was more of an assigned leader. I never volunteered, but was still assigned to manage group projects and to lead class discussions. I suppose my teachers recognized the potential I had, though I did not want to recognize it myself. The second week of my freshman year, we had elections for student government, but no freshman were running for class president. I remember my Civics teacher urging me to run for it, but I also recall my embarrassment at the thought of making decisions for my entire class. What if I messed up? What if they did not like me? All of the basic, melodramatic life questions one overthinks at that age. As the years have passed, however, I have definitely emerged as a leader. Over time I have become involved in more and more leadership positions in my extracurricular activities. I joined the Beta Club, a perfect opportunity seeing as it is a club dedicated to cultivating new leaders out of students. It seemed to work. The following year I ran for Student Government and was elected as a page. I also took on management of the …show more content…

Confident in my ability as a leader, I decided to run for class president. It was a close race, or so I was told, but I did not win. This loss hit me hard. I momentarily lost faith in my abilities as a leader. I thought I was good enough, but apparently others were better. As disappointed as I was, I refused to let this loss impinge on my chances of future success. I came to realize that, regardless of my lack of an official title, others often perceived me as one of the most influential members of the group. My frequent verbal involvement and knowledge on various topics in all of my extracurricular activities led people to look to me for my leadership even if I had not been assigned to the

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