
My Experience At Groveland Park Elementary

Decent Essays

Through my time at Groveland Park Elementary I have been able to observe two classrooms that each offer a number of students. I have been enjoying the opportunity to observe and help out in a fourth grade class, taught by Ms. Hammes, and a second grade class taught by Mrs. Hyatt. All of the students vary in academic levels and abilities, some having exceptionalities or needs have to use resources that are offered by the school. I have been able to observe students with learning disabilities, physical challenges, gifts, and language barriers. I have also been able to reach out and gather information about another school, Medford Public School, and see how their school system works to support students with exceptionalities. Between the two classrooms I have been able to observe and assist with a couple of students with some learning disabilities. One of the students whom I have had the opportunity to spend a lot of time helping happens to have ADHD. I have been able to observe how my mentor teacher supports them while not making it appear obvious to the rest of the class that someone is being singled out. She is able to do this by keeping the student’s desk relatively close to her own desk throughout every new seating arrangement that she has. Another way that she makes sure he is on task and supported is by checking on him regularly and then also checking on other students in the class to in a way mask that she was mainly checking on a certain student. My mentor teacher has

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