
My Experience Of My Life In A Refugee Camp

Decent Essays

The life in the refugee camp was so miserable that we had no hope for bright future. My parents always told me not to dream of having a luxurious life it is like committing a crime for us. However, I had a self-confident if I work hard and study well I will be able to do anything in life. make a secure living for my whole family, but I was only a child I did not know anything about what my life would be like when I grow up. Every time someone asks me what I want to become when I grow up, I used to say Nurse without a second thought. My parents send me to camp school, it was an English medium school where they teach us, English, Math, Science, Nepali, and Dzongkha subjects. We were provided a pencil, eraser, and five note books for each subject. We were told we need to keep all the things that they provide for a whole year. I was fortunate enough to get a basic education in camp because not all refugee gets to attend school. I was a very talented student since childhood but due to lack of higher education, I would not be able to attend college for further education.
My grandparents often recall their joyful life in Bhutan. My father has seven siblings, and mother has thirteen. They had a great life, my father did not get to attend school because My grandparents had a lot of land, animals and a restaurant which they own. We had over tens of cows, sheep, goats and many more domestic animals. My father and other siblings had to watch after the animal and help grandfather in

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