
My Experience Of Reading In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

Decent Essays

There were many times in English class where we had to read. When I was in eleventh grade I was about 16 and reading was hard for me to get into. Sitting in an uncomfortable seat trying to read a book was boring to me. As we read “Of Mice and Men” the book has no picture, the pages are thin, and it had no smell to it. The only picture that was on that book was a tree on the cover. As I sit in this warm room with other bored students and following a long in this small long book. The room is quiet that I could hear a pin drop if one did drop. I just wanted to get this book over with and move on to the next thing in class. As I was sitting there I could imagine what the book was saying about Lennie and George traveling. I honestly just wanted

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