
My Experience With My Family

Good Essays

I remember growing up in an area of Atlanta, Georgia called Mechanicsville. This area was very diverse with people from various socioeconomic backgrounds. My mother would always share valuable life lessons with my siblings and me. One, in particular, I remember even to this day is, “Life is only as challenging or motivating as you make it”. I did not quite understand what this meant as a child; but as I got older, I understood what my mother was conveying. Although life for me has been both good and bad, it seemed to be better than my childhood friends. If you knew the real story, you would see that my life is not as perfect as it appears. Just to provide you with a little insight into my world, I had a fatherless childhood, problematic …show more content…

I needed to find someone or something to influence me in a better way by helping me change from a boy into a man.
My mother saw the pain in me and decided to relocate back to Atlanta. I became acquainted with some children from the wrong side of the tracks and my life began to spiral out of control. I would stay out late on school nights and often missed school because I thought hanging out with my new found family was more important. Soon my grades began to plummet. I saw no way to bring up my grades and decided to drop out of high school in the twelfth grade.
Since I thought I was grown, I got a full-time job which I despised. My manager was very arrogant and very condescending when he spoke to his subordinates. The customers were rude, the manager was pompous, so I quit because I could not bear being disrespected by people who were irrelevant to me. I knew my life was on a downhill slant, but I did not care. My only concern was I did not have to wake up early in the morning to catch the A-Train to school or work.
My mother questioned why I was not in school and I told her I was doing so well, my classes did not begin until 9 A.M. My mother believed me because she trusted me wholeheartedly. I began selling and using drugs, getting arrested for stealing cars and other unnecessary things. One night in my jail cell, I began to hear my mother’s voice. I heard her tell me, “Life is only as challenging or motivating as you make it”. I heard this over and

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