
Essay about My Experience at Sinai Plaza and HYCCF

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It was my first time ever working with the elderly, it was quiet interesting. However, I did experience cognitive dissonance many times; I have found myself doing actions I was told to do that did not comply with my cognition. According to Aronson, “Festinger’s theory is more than simply a theory about consistency. It is essentially a theory about sense-making: how people make sense out of their beliefs, their environment, and their behavior” (1997). In relation to my experience, an elderly woman dropped her shoe and she desperately wanted her shoe to be put back on. One of the supervisors looked at me and shook her head as in warning me not to attempt to put her shoe back on. I attempted to internally justify the behavior by suggesting …show more content…

The realization that one day I might end up in the same situation, made me want to work harder to have a fulfilling future for myself and also it made me want to take my health into consideration, because if I am not healthy I will not have the meaningful long-lasting life I wish to obtain. My first day at the Haitian Youth and Community Center of Florida (HYCCF), have most of the kids surround me from ages 3 to 4. The children stared eagerly as they challenged the fact that I looked very different from them, one little girl stated, “You’re white and I am black, see.” Her comment and ability to observe that there was indeed a difference, shocked me. According to Keller, Ford, and Meacham, “studies of person perception in children have shown that before children are 7 years old, they very often use physical appearance in describing others” (1978). The young girl was obviously going through the process of social comparison, however rather than comparing my abilities to hers as Myers and Twenge would say (2013); the young girl was socially comparing herself to me in a more physical sense, such as, skin color, different texture of hair, and other physical features. The young girl displayed thorough concept of self-knowledge. As Lewis would say, “There is one thing, and only one in the whole universe which we know more about than we could learn from external observation” (1952). For example, he was elaborating on the concept

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