
My Father : A Journey To Survive A Life Changing Journey?

Decent Essays

Did he survive this life changing journey? My father is one of the most amazing, caring, selfless and courageous man I know. He risked his life to provide for his family in times of need, he took the responsibility as the second oldest of his 6 siblings when his father had passed away when he was 14. He felt the need to provide a better life for his family and in order to do so he had to change his life in ways some people wouldn’t imagine.

At the age of 20 my dad pick up and set off on his journey that would change his life immensely. The journey was long and one of the hardest things he's done in his life, he walked to America from Guatemala by foot with three of his friends. The constant fear that you will not make through the desert, across the river or over the mountains has made a lasting imprint on my father that has made him who he is today. It was a difficult journey seeing people along the way and then not seeing them again because they have passed away, having to sleep on the ground and mountains in all types of climate with no shelter, having to swim across the Rio Grande, and having to jump on moving trains to move faster. There are so many risks involved with with this journey that some people can’t get past and luckily my father made it past them. My father has been working hard since a young age and to this day is constantly working hard in order to provide for his family, he started working at the age of six on farms before and after school.

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