
My Hero: A Personal Analysis

Decent Essays

Conor McGregor once said, “You might win some, you might lose some. But you go in, you challenge yourself, you become a better man, a better individual, a better fighter.” Born in the 1960’s, my dad started out as a fighter. He came nine weeks early, weighing only two pounds, and the size of a hand. He was touch and go with the 1960s limited medical care. For two months he stayed in the hospital, he never gave up. My dad stands with us today being as strong, brave, and courageous as ever. He continues to be a dad I am proud of, all while working full-time as an emergency physician with veterans, juggling two kids, and battling cancer. This is why I chose my dad, Kevin Carnahan, as my “Personal Michigan Hero”.
On September 24, 2015, we received …show more content…

He is an emergency care physician, and may treat a variety of situations. A typical day at the hospital… well, there really isn’t such thing as a typical day. Some days are ridiculously chaotic, while others are slow moving. You never know what's going to rush through those doors, so you have to be alert and on your toes.
Yes, my dad is a hero. Putting up with two kids, working in a high stress medical job, fighting cancer, and still being able to manage our forty acre farm. Including doing barn building, carpentry, and handyman repairs while being able to run a backhoe, tractors, and a skid steer. All that while, you guessed it, reminding us of the importance of family, being a good father, and staying humble.
What most people think of when you ask them about a hero is superman or batman. But, seeing my dad daily reminds me that you don’t have to wear a cape or save the world to be a hero. Whether it's being a hero by helping someone in the ER, or simply saying, “Hello” to someone that looks lonely. All these small things you do could make a positive impact in this world. So, next time you see someone in need, help them out.
How will you be a hero

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