
My Hero Is A Hero

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Melissa Tumino said that, “The thing about being brave is it doesn’t come with the absence of fear and hurt. Bravery is the ability to look fear and hurt in the face and say move aside, you are in the way”. This describes my grandfather all of his life so far, he has been through the worst but yet still finds a way to push through it for the ones he loves and himself. My hero has been through Vietnam as a medic, a firefighter for almost the rest of his adult life, and is struggling through cancer currently through his older years. Which is through all of that he still has showed me what it means to be brave, be yourself no matter what, state your opinions, and so much more. Vietnam was from 1954-1975 and was a conflict between France and Vietnam. The United States didn’t enter the war till 1961 and left the war in 1964. My grandfather later on married my grandmother in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. My grandfather left for Vietnam and I do not know the exact date that he left to go to war, because he does not really talk about the war. Which is why I will tell you the little I know about what happened to him in the war. My grandfather, Bill William Hanson, witnessed a lot in Vietnam, because he was a field medic during his time in Nam. From what I have heard form veterans and researched Nam was a brutal messy war where tons of American soldiers got slaughtered by the Vietcong. Field medics saw men get mowed down by bullets and the wounded get picked off, but those who survived were either brutally wounded or lost body parts which is better than dying. My father has said that my grandfather has many medals from the war, but he has only ever heard him talk about it once or twice only because my grandfather was drunk at the time. Most people suffer PTSD in internal ways that show externally to friends and family, but my grandfather just keeps it all in and refuses to talk about what happened during that brutal war. Which takes lots of will power to hold in and try to forget, because he watched men die, saw them torn up from gun shots and grenades, hear the moans of wounded men as they begged for someone to help them so that they could live to see their families again. PTSD affects a lot of veterans that have been

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