
My Life Concept Project : My High School

Decent Essays

In the latter part of my high school years, I was continuously asked, “What are you going to do after high school?”. At the time, I didn’t really know for sure what I was going to do after high school, and my uncertainty about my future lingered until my senior year. Once senior year rolled around, I became aware of the reality that I truly needed to decide what path I was wanting to take following school, because the time to make that decision was approaching quickly. I began devoting serious time and effort to thinking about my future, and that was hard for me to do, because up until that point in my life, I had never really given that topic much serious thought. It is for this very reason that I am eager to complete the Whole Life Concept project, because I know that it will help me get a better understanding of what it is I am good at and passionate about, and will help me to be able to begin to make decisions about my future based off of what I learn. I also believe that this project will allow me to propose my short term, long term, and complete career long goals. The Whole Life Concept Project will allow me to understand the nature and extent of technical and non-technical skills and knowledge that will be required of me to know, and to know well, in order to achieve my goals. I have put some serious thought and time into considering potential career paths for myself, and I did a lot of research on the subject fields that interested me. I knew that I wanted to do

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