
My Life Of My Grandfather

Good Essays

My grandfather

All my family knew that my grandpa Al was getting older and couldn't do as much. Over the next few weeks, he sounded like he was getting sick. He was getting slower. But because he is as stubborn as they come, he never tried to stop working. This all concluded with a life changing moment. Youth had eluded my grandfather for some time now, but something is different this time. As he worked over the next week, doing his normal housekeeping and working on the motorcycles, he was struggling in his efforts. He knew, so did we, that he was getting older. He could not do work for as long, lifting heavy things was more difficult, etc… He was getting redder and getting more impatient. He would, however, let out a sigh of relief when he sat down after walking into the house.
Sooner or later, he started to stall. Thanks to my grandma, he stayed off his feet. Our family here had to drive out to Arizona where they live. Me and my sisters stayed at the hotel in the day while my parents had to drive to their house. They would keep us updated on the situation while we watched tv in the hotel room.
“He hasn't changed any.” my mom sighed
Over the next few days the cycle of them getting up in the morning and leaving to my grandparents house, coming back to the hotel kept repeating. Ultimately, we left Arizona and came back to Kansas. We went home, got a good night’s sleep. It didn’t seem like it was a big deal to me and my little sister. The only thing me and

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