
My Mother : Diverty And Poverty

Satisfactory Essays

As my mother was recalling past memories she told me that “she would have done anything to be in my position.” She remembers the long walks that she would have to take to get to school. While at the same time caring for her small siblings and the dirt road was so hard on her feet that she would get bruises. On the rarest of times she would get a ride from a stranger she always felt uncertain if the person wasn’t rapist or kidnapper. After all, the world has a funny way of looking at the poor, we pity but we secretly despise them or least ignore them (Social Work Degree Center)
My mother was poor and her mother was poor too and as long as we can trace back my mother family was always poor. My mother was one out of nine children, to be precise she was the 3rd to be born. Unlike other families she didn’t have to work until she was in her late teens but this meant that sometimes they had no food to eat. As a young kid she didn’t have much but as she said “you don’t expensive things to make you happy when you have your family.” Though born in a corrupt and dangerous country she would break from the chains of poverty and live here but not with many sacrifices.
When I look into my mother's eyes I see scar that run so deep that no one can heal. Her hands are rough and old from all the hard work she had to do to help maintain her family. She had some her teeth replace because her family couldn’t afford to buy her a toothbrush. She has diabetes from all the sugary candies she ate as

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