
My Place : My Memories Of My Childhood Place

Decent Essays

My childhood place
There is a place that is a constant reminder of my childhood. This place is my room. Though it has changed since I was born it still reminds me of the time I spent there as a kid. My room is a medium sized room with two closets a small closet with a door and slanted ceiling and a large closet nearly four times the size but without doors only the rails where the sliding doors used to be. The actual room is a nice open room with a white ceiling and black carpet. The walls have changed colors three times over the seventeen years I’ve lived in it. the walls were originally a worn white and when we first moved in. I was around the age of four and didn’t wasn’t to move. So my parents promised me and my siblings that we would be able to pick our room colors to make us happy in our new home. My parents asked me what color I wanted my room. The issue for me was I didn’t know what color I wanted back then. I told them I wanted all the colors but mainly, green and blue while my brother wanted yellow and red. issues with pluming caused me and my brother to have to share my room until his was updated and repaired. So my parents decided to paint each wall in my room a different color. Walking into the room the wall to the left was red, the far wall green, the left wall blue and the wall with the door was yellow. there were some things we did to the room but not much. The main thing we did was carve our height as we grew on the frame of the closet. Even with the next

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