
My Reasons For Volunteering Had Been Selfish

Decent Essays

....... The Teenagers That Pushed Those Patients in Wheel Chairs and Took Samples to Labs Were Members of an Elite Squad Known as the Helen Keller Hospital Teen Volunteers. These Are Their Stories.

The year I turned sixteen, my superiority complex hit its peak. I was a sophomore in high school, and I thought I knew everything about the world because I listened to punk music. Early on I had decided that I was meant to be different, that I was meant to stand out from the other students. Thus, by spring, I had filled out an application to volunteer at Helen Keller Hospital the following summer. The application included a short Q&A about our lives and an essay on our reasons for volunteering, all of which would be reviewed by the hospital board. The short questions intruded on my life just enough for me to breeze by them, the essay intruded just enough for me to put it off until the last minute. How could I explain that some of my reasons for volunteering had been selfish? How could I even dare to say that I wanted to do this to help myself? How could I say that maybe I didn’t know why I wanted to do it? I began to reflect on my life and what events may have led me here. An essay meant as a small stepping-stone to a new opportunity has brought to my attention the effect ones past can have on them, and how it can connect one with others. While writing this essay, I dug deeper into my past more than I had ever done before. I remembered the casual run-ins with emergency rooms,

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