
My Story Of The School Year Of 2010-2011

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My story begins in the school year of 2010-2011. I was a fifth grader, eleven years of age, at Santa Fe 5/6 Center. As per requirements we had to take a music class, and I knew that I could not sing, so an instrument it was. Most of that year I spent experimenting with wind and string instruments to find out if I belonged in band or orchestra. I was never really interested in any of the wind instrument so I atleast knew I was going to be in orchestra. The year ended with me being skeptical to if I should play an instrument or not.
With the next school year approaching fast I had to make my decision. A few days before sixth grade started, Santa Fe hosted a little music assembly for the students and their parents to come and enjoy music and also to provide instruments for the students to try out and possibly buy. I remember walking around a tad bit nervous looking for an instrument and that 's when I heard someone start playing the cello. I turned to look and saw a man, Mr. Stanley, who later I found out was my cello teacher, playing the cello. He played so beautifully it inspired me. The warm, rich tone of the cello filled the room and I remember almost everyone stopped what they were doing just to listen to him play. I think mother saw the glint in my eyes when I first listened to the cello and she knew that was my choice. After Mr. Stanley’s little performance was done, I approached him and bombarded him with questions. In the end Mother ended up buying a three fourths

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