
My Story Of When I Lost My Faith

Decent Essays

Let me tell you the story of when I lost my faith in other people. It all came down to one day, on the week before I started high school actually. But first, in order for you to fully understand, I must start my story a week before that particular day.
I had been in the car with my dad, and was about to turn on some music on his phone when I accidentally opened the phone app. To my surprise I glanced my mother’s name among his recent calls.
“My mother called you?!”, I asked my father in surprise.
“Yeah, she wanted to see you. I wasn’t going to tell you until later, so you wouldn’t get your hopes up.”
You see, my parents got divorced when I was two, and while my father has been a wonderful parent, my mother’s parenting has been somewhat...lacking. Though when I was younger, it wasn’t that bad. She only saw me about 40% of the time at that point, and when she did spend time with me she acted more like a fun aunt that a parent. As the years passed she canceled plans to see me more and more. One time, she even went so far as to drive off to the east coast and then to the west coast when she was supposed to see me. A few years later my father met someone and she moved in with us. Later, they ended up getting married, and we moved out of our condo and into a house. This happended the summer before I started middle school. Oddly enough, my mother ended up buying our old condo. The condo was only a few blocks away from our new house, yet over the next five years I only saw her three

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