
Myrtle's Moral Decay In The Great Gatsby

Decent Essays

Fitzgerald uses symbols to indicate Myrtle's moral decay in trying to reach her American Dream. Myrtle loses all her moral values in her relationship with her husband to try and gain her American Dream. Myrtle has just died, her husband George has started to sink into severe depression. One of his neighbors decides to come and take care of him in his hardships. He tells Michaelis, his neighbor “I told her she might fool me but she couldn’t fool God.‘God knows what you've been doing,everything you’ve been doing.You may fool me, but you can’t fool God! Michaelis saw with shock that he was looking at the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg.’” (Fitzgerald 159). The eyes of T.J. Eckleburg preside in the Valley of Ashes, which symbolize the eyes of God. …show more content…

By doing so, Myrtle only cared about herself and in doing so she corrupted her dream of being with someone of wealth. Similarly, the eyes of ”god” reside in Myrtle's home, The Valley of Ashes, which symbolizes her corrupted morals. Myrtle’s belief that she needs to get out of the Valley of Ashes leads to her losing her moral values and corrupting herself and all her dreams. Robert Evans, a literary critic, brought up one of the most important symbols in the novel, The Valley of Ashes. Which he explains as “The valley of ashes is the symbol of the dead, cordless, mechanized and polluted world.”(Evans 5). The Valley of Ashes may be a setting, but it is also a symbol of the moral decay that results from the uninhibited pursuit of wealth. After Myrtle discovers her husband is not wealthy, she pursues someone wealthier, no longer carrying about her morals in her relationship. She wanted to get out of the Valley, which was always her dream, and she would do anything to get there. Which in the end, her no longer holding many morals, leads to the corruption of her and her American …show more content…

Gatsby and Tom just got into a fight about who Daisy loves more and who she should be with. In the end Tom won and allowed Daisy to drive with Gatsby one more time, since they probably won't see each other again. However, Tom drove back with Jordan and Nick and he told them “I found out what your 'drug-stores' were.”... side street drug-stores here and in Chicago and sold grain alcohol over the counter”(Fitzgerald 133). Tom reveals to his car that Gatsby is a bootlegger, which means that Gatsby participated in illegal activities to gain his riches. This means that Gabsy did the opposite of what people believe in him because the American dream means working hard and putting in a great amount of effort. However, Gatsby does the opposite and gains his riches through illegal activity and very little work. His illegal work to gain wealth decayed his values, which in the end corrupted his dream. Just as the way Gatsby earned his money shows how he decayed his moral values, the way Gatsby sees Daisy shows how he holds no moral values. Evans, the literary critic, described how Gatsby was recalling the first time he saw

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