
Nadia Joseph. Ms. Milliner. Ees21Qh-01. January 20, 2017.

Better Essays

Nadia Joseph

Ms. Milliner


January 20, 2017

Final Paper

Grit and mindset are displayed in various ways through the characters in Othello; some

characters in this play are grittier than others. In the article Angela Duckworth and the Research

on “Grit” the author states, “Now, Duckworth is an assistant professor at the University of

Pennsylvania, and her research focuses on personality traits she calls ‘grit’. She defines grit as

‘sticking with something over the very long term until you master them’” (Hanford 15). Grit

means to be determined and to stick to a task until you master it. In the article Mindset: The New

Psychology of Success author Carol Dweck states, “This growth mindset is based on the belief …show more content…


first attempt to take down Othello was when he told Desdemona’s father that the Moor has stolen

his daughter from her. In this scene you really see how much hatred he has for Othello and how

determined he is to make Barbantio believe that Othello has taken his innocent daughter against

her will. In act one, scene two Iago says “Zounds, sir, you are one of those that will not serve

God if the devil bid you. Because we come to do you service and you think we are ruffians,

you’ll have your daughter covered with a Barbary horse, you’ll have your nephews neigh to you,

you’ll have coursers for cousins, and gennets for germans” (Shakespeare 7). In this quote Iago is

saying that by calling them fools and not listening to them Barbantio is allowing his daughter to

get taken advantage of by Othello and that this could ruin his whole family. This quote shows the

hatred he has for Othello and also the determination he has to ruin Desdemona and Othello’s

relationship. When Iago realized that his first plan had failed, he decided to make it look as if

Cassio was having an affair with Desdemona. This show grit because he refuses to let anything

get in his way of ruining Othello, he keeps trying until he gets what he wants. In act two, scene

one Iago states, “The Moor, howbeit that I endure him not, Is of a constant, loving, noble nature,

And I dare think

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