Whenever people ask me what I want to do in life, I always brace myself for the confused stares I know I will be receiving as soon as I reveal my goal to them. I want to own my own nail polish company. This aspiration as often seen as not only an obscure one, but also one of muted ambition. People are generally confused sheerly by how niche it is. Nevertheless, I feel that I have been preparing for this throughout my whole high school career in regards to my extracurricular. Having six art credits under my belt is often regarded as excessive by my peers in a school like my own, but I firmly believe it is the most conducive route I could have chosen for my future in regards to my secondary education. From an early age, I always had a fascination with the world of nail polish. As a young girl the endless selection of colors and gleaming finish left a mark on me. Being able to join my mother for her manicure appointments was always a special treat that brought me an unfathomable level of joy. As I grew up I found nail polish and nail art to be almost therapeutic for me. During high school my mom fell very ill, while she was in the hospital and my dad worked long hours to pay the respective bills I found a sense of comfort in blocking everything …show more content…
There must be a sense of intentionality in the products these companies produce. When every aspect of a product's marketing and packaging has a specific purpose, it conveys passion and thoughtfulness, it shows a devotion to the quality of the product. These are things I would have never considered before taking art classes. I believe that the lessons I have learned in art throughout high school have helped me become a better designer and creator. They have taught me to not put something out there until I am proud of the work I have created, and I believe these skills will be incredibly conducive to succeeding in the
10. While searching for clues in the abandoned building Q finds Margo’s nail polish, in one of the desks in the building. Nail polish is mostly represented as being a feminine object, and Q views Margo as an object throughout the book. In addition, finding the nail polish gave Q hope that Margo was still alive and that she had recently been there. Also, discovering the nail polish encouraged Q to search for other clues.
Making use of creative nail polish is a good way to help spruce up simple fingernails and enable a part of your style to shine through. It is economical and simple to perform yourself. If you have a few extra bucks, it is ideal to go to a nail salon and be pampered with a massage before they polish your nails beautifully.
Throughout the years I have been painting my nails I have created some lovely art work, but found my self doing more simple, plain, fancy nails around Valentine's. I decided to go back and check my work, see if my style has changed throughout the years and this is what I found.
In the first months of college, I wasn’t so sure if I wanted to pursue architecture, finance, or engineering; I was utterly lost, unlike many of my peers. Over the months, I pondered on what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Then, I realized I was never interested in obtaining a job where I would sit at a desk and stare at some numbers on a computer screen for 9 hours every day. Through my daily routine and utilization of time, I realized I found less joy in the courses I applied least outside of the classroom, yet was intrigued that with the many hours I worked in the studio. I could work on a skill in which I could use in the career I wanted; a path in which I could leave a legacy through molding the world the way I wanted to see
When someone looks at your work and asks you “Is this what you want to do with your life?” and it’s something you’re proud of, you smile and say Yes. Becoming a cosmetologist and going to college for cosmetology has been my primary goal since I was fifteen years old. When I was Fifteen, I started out applying body paint to kids at festivals, When someone had seen my work and how detailed it was, they would always compliment it and ask me if I Plan to major in something that not a lot of people think of.
Hello! (1) As a result of my high aspirations and work ethic, I believe my motto or what I stand for is: “Don’t let your dreams be dreams. Just do it.” Though I will admit that I procrastinate, if there is something that you want to do go out and do it. I took Floral Design because I was interested in making arrangements and the class is one of favorites I’ve taken throughout all of high school. (2) Over the years in high school I’ve participated in a wide variety of institutions including: Science Olympiad, Cross Country, Robotics, Peer Counseling, and creating a club with one of my friends. Having to be conscious of my time (and sanity), I no longer do Cross Country or Robotics because they were both time intensive. After being a part of
I plan to graduate in May 2017 with honors. My goal after graduation is to find a job working at a graphic design firm and also freelance in hopes of opening my own small business one day. My philosophy is in order to have more I must to do more; therefore I have to take advantage of every opportunity. When doing more than what is expected I believe I will eventually be rewarded. I am very determined that in ten years from now I will have a successful business. I am a self-motivated individual with the ability to adapt quickly. I make no excuses and complete every task to my best
Since I started being inundated with talk of college at the beginning of high school, my mom, aunt, friends, and even teachers have instructed me to follow a “traditional” postsecondary route like engineering, law, or medicine. There is more encouragement in the black community to go into those fields. Art was never perceived to be as worthwhile. With this photograph as the impetus of my passion for art, I dived more into this new world for the first time, not caring about the opinions of the people around me. I searched techniques, art-related careers, and different forms of expression. My brain soaked in this knowledge like a sponge. I took the initiative to find more information and learn as much as possible about photography. As I applied the new knowledge, I continued to create art. My mind visualized new projects I could do based on the weather, from the way I see the color of the sun coming down over the Chicago skyline, to accurately depicting black women in Chicago taking snapshots of reality that would otherwise be forgotten by the following month. Photography even became my diary, an outlet for when I want to take a break from the stress of trying to become a successful black woman. The words “never” and “impossible” do not exist in photography. “Maybe this is what I’m supposed to be doing”, I thought to myself, despite the voices pushing me toward a more lucrative
I never use to get my nails done. My mom came home from out west and said lets go for a girls day. We picked up my sister. It started with breakfast, then an unexpected trip to town. We decided to get our nails done. She said my treat!
When I was younger I was frequently asked what I wanted to be when I grew up and just like most young kids my answers were somewhat impractical considering they involved a mix between a movie star, singer and princess. As I grew a little bit older my dad decided to teach me the value of money and how certain jobs have certain incomes. During high school I thought about many different career choices but never really felt connected to any of them. As high school drew to an end I felt quite pressured to quickly pick a future career, this lead me to chose cosmetology. My entire senior year I tried to assure myself that I wanted to go to cosmetology school and even went and looked at a few beauty schools. But as much as I tried to convince myself
When I transferred from UNCG I had overcome a very difficult emotional (what). I began to use my personal struggles to create these drawings of women who were dealing with internal struggles and whenever I drew I felt my mind release tension, a feeling of relaxation and freedom I could not get from anything else. Deciding to become an art therapist was one of the best decisions I have had. The idea of allowing all sorts of people with diverse backgrounds, emotional struggles or just pure imagination to express every bit of themselves in any medium gives me pure bliss. Intuitively I believe that everyone has a yearning to express how they feel and if I can help someone along their journey of self-discovery I'd be honored. I believe that God gave me the ability to use my hands to create transcendence in myself. Starting at a young age art was my backbone and strength, I was amazed daily with the pieces
I was never discouraged from wanting to become an artist, my mom would buy me all types of paints and coloring pencils, the amount of paper we owned could fill up the entire apartment. When I was small it was just a hobby, but by the time I entered middle school I realized that if I shoved my heart and soul into getting better at my technique then I could become someone worth talking about. However, when I entered high school I realized that we do not have the kind of financial stability that it takes for me to acquire the learning that I desire. If I cannot work through college and cannot afford my books then I know that all I have worked for will go to waste. So as I said, I was never discouraged from wanting to become an artist, only discouraged from being able to. The only thing that has ever discouraged me from following my dreams has been the cost, and I know that I cannot become the best version of myself without help. And so that is why I want to join the Bonner Scholar Program because I know that I can do all that I have ever dreamed of doing at Allegheny. For students coming from low-income households, myself included, we see higher education as the road to more choices and
Gel nail polish is one of the new beauty crazes sweeping the nation. Introduced in 2010, this gel manicure is brushed on in several layers and hardens under a UV light. It is applied, usually at the salon, and then "set" under the UV light. A gel polish manicure typically lasts for two weeks or longer, beating even the best regular manicure by several days.
A couple of days ago I applied to get familiar with the very first picture polish Nail Art Quarterly event of the season and fortunately I had been selected to sign up. The task was to produce a flower- nail art that may showcase three piCture pOlish shades and extremely make sure they are shine.
Many people have unrealistic goals such as being a millionaire, or living a luxurious life that is almost impossible for the average human to afford, or go to a crazy school that has an acceptance rate lower than a teenage boy’s pants, but I? All I want is to make my parents proud while keeping me happy at the same time, and I plan on doing that by attending to the University of Hawaii and study Psychoneuropharmacology. Although this major will take lots of hard work and a long time to master my determination, passion, and love for my family, future, and myself drives me to reach that goal. With these great qualities comes flaws, I cannot succeed this goal without hitting a few bumps because of these weaknesses of mine. In the field I would