
Names In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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Names. They are our whole identity. They determine who we are for our whole life. And in The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, he mentions a lot about names. I think he is trying to teach his audience that names mean and represent large amounts of power and dignity and also reputation. This is shown perfectly when Parris is talking to Abigail and says “There is a faction that is sworn to drive me from my pulpit”(1026). Characters are often seen throughout the play defending their own names, crying out names, listing names, and signing names. All in an attempt to protect their power and dignity. Arthur Miller also made the names a big part of this play to help the readers develop a stronger emotional attachment towards the characters. This …show more content…

Not negative and upsetting things. And this is demonstrated perfectly in Act 1, pages 1024-1027 when Reverend Parris is watching Abigail, Tituba and the other girls dancing naked around a fire in the woods. After Parris discovered them he then left out the details of what he actually saw when asked about it later in the play. This shows that he was trying to protect his dignity and reputation as a Reverend. A follower of God. Parris then turned to Abigail with wide eyes and said “There is a faction that is sworn to drive me from my pulpit”(1026). After hearing about Abigail’s actions, Goody Proctor was very upset with her as well. And kicked her out of the house and fired her in an attempt to protect her name and reputation in the community. She did not want to be known by others as someone who hires people accused of conjuring spirits. Along with Goody Proctor and Parris, Abigail too was attempting to protect her own name. She was caught lying about what she was doing and proceed to say to Proctor “...I never knew the lying lessons I was taught” (1032). This proves she was lying in an attempt to protect her name and reputation as a pure young lady. Similar to how Goody Proctor was trying to protect her name

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