
Napoleon Bonaparte Research Paper

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Based on the information provided to me from the text, and the knowledge I have gained from previous classes, I believe Napoleon Bonaparte was the french people’s savior because he offered safety and security in a time of disorder and rampant chaos. The historical French Revolution was still vibrant and alive among many of the french men and women. Their children learned and experienced it first hand. Unlike the American Revolution; also known as the American War for Independence, the British did not wake up to riots, chaos, and constant battles. The french were wartorn and dealt with two governments that didn’t really care about their people. Going from a greedy and corrupt monarchy, to an ineffective assembly, it takes no thought to understand …show more content…

He was a charasmatic, yet unforgiving gentleman. He was ruthless in battle, and quickly became known as one of the best military strategist of all time. He had an impecable command presence and expected discipline among his men. To put his mannerism into perspective, the term shortman syndrome, or also referred to as Napoleon Syndrome is when someone of short height, that dosn’t look that physically intimidating basically makes up for it, with an extremely confrontational and commanding personality. His personality alone would have made Napoleon loved by the french people because he could quickly give order where there was chaos… something much needed in France at the …show more content…

Napoleon fit this title perfectly, as he did have the admiration from the citizens and the respect and loyalty of the armies of France. He soon became the First Counsil of the Republic, and turned France into yet again, another monarchy. Napoleon Bonaparte had earned the right and the privilage to become the First Council, and I believe, he was the right man for the job. He brought an erratic government under law and order and made a very centralized government. However, I do believe that he should have found a way to make his country strong, without giving up on the ideal of the revolution he had so firmly believed in. Napoleon’s best option was to keep the french a Republic… just reform it into a stronger

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