
Narcissistic And Cult Leaders Essay

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Narcissistic and Cult Leaders Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Cult Leaders
Every day we face and deal with either small or big issues relating to terrorist leaders from inside and outside of country. During the past decade we have seen North Korean leader, Kim Jung Un, Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro of Cuba, Idi Amain of Uganda and more, who have been described as crazy, cruel, lunatic, madman, psychopath and even worse. How could they acquire all the power, rule over people and become a leader in a country if they were such a psychopath?
Ironically, they are just as rational as we are. We simply do not have a full understanding of their personalities, which are unusually different from societal norms and expectation. They are defined as a personality disorder. There are six personality disorders classified: sadistic, antisocial, paranoid, narcissistic, schizoid and schizotypal.
Remarkably, most of these cult leaders have been suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, which brings a dictatorship in social relationship and a fatal negative influential to both oneself and others. Any …show more content…

The first cause of NPD is to have an inflated view of self or their importance, often at the expense of others. This trait is strongly associated with an attraction to political leadership. Grandiose people tend to hunger for power. They strive to occupy important positions of power and often become "dictators" toward establishing repressive structure, as Lobaczewski (2007) points out. They know how to manipulate people by skin color, language, nationality, wealth, religion, etc. That evokes people’s emotion to hatred or

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