
Narcissistic Personality Disorders: Hud Bannon

Decent Essays

Personality is defined as the “set of psychological traits and mechanisms within the individual that are organized and relatively enduring and that influence his or her interactions with, and adaptations to, the intrapsychic, physical, and social environments” (Larsen & Buss, 2014, p. 4). Trait-descriptive adjectives are used to describe characteristics of people, such as lazy or optimistic. Everyone has different personality traits that are used to describe consistencies in behavior, thought or actions and that make people different (Larsen & Buss, 2014). There are also personality disorders that are “maladaptive variations or combinations of normal personality traits” or “an enduring pattern of experience and behavior that differs greatly …show more content…

582, 586). The characters from Hud, all showed personality traits that made them different and one even exhibited characteristics of a personality disorder. Hud Bannon was the son of Homer Bannon, the owner of the cattle ranch, and Lonnie’s uncle. Hud didn’t really work at the ranch and only wanted to reap the benefits. Hud was always seen wandering around, looking for a good time and causing trouble. He displayed some of the characteristics of Narcissistic personality disorder which are having the need to be admired, a strong sense of self-importance, lack of insight into other people’s feelings and needs, sense of entitlement and superiority, and a self-esteem that is strong but paradoxically fragile (Larsen & Buss, 2014). Hud’s personality could be due both to genetics and his environment. Hud was reckless. The first thing that was shown about him was that he got into a fight and broke a window. He also got into a fight later again and involved his …show more content…

He had no shame and would parade around town with the wife of another man. He was most cruel to his nephew Lonnie, who clearly admired him, but Hud didn’t want him around. Hud left him all night to look after the cow while he went to town to have fun. Hud only spent time with Lonnie when he felt the need to be admired like the time he invited Lonnie to see him catch a pig. Even Lonnie was surprised that Hud invited him and said that it was the first time he had invited him anywhere. He put Lonnie in danger when the husband of the woman he was seeing caught him leaving his house and he blamed it on Lonnie. Another person he was disrespectful towards was the housekeeper, Alma. He would always park his car on top of her flowers and ruin them. Hud would pursue her relentlessly. She would always reject him, but he never gave up. Hud was always used to getting what he wanted so Alma rejecting him, made him want her even more. He even called her the one that got away. One time he even tried to force himself on her. Hud was also insensible towards his father who had provided him with everything. In several occasions, he told his father that he was old and unfit to keep control of the ranch. In a confrontation between Hud and his father, when his father had found out that he had gone behind his back to try and gain

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