
Narrative Essay

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Matthew Saldaña Ms. Malman ENG 200-017 16 September 2014 Mi Madre The burden of motherhood can prove to be far too tough for some women in today’s society. One habitually is informed about a woman who either abandoned her child for adoption to a firehouse or even worse, which could be better, left unmentioned. Some mothers can fill the role of motherhood and beyond. The female who filled this niche in my lifetime was Zulma Enid Saldaña. Not only did she go above and beyond with her role as my mother, but also surpassed expectations as a father in my life as well. The early years were tough on my mother. Pregnancy was more of a burden to her because she received no support from my father. During my delivery, my father was not at the …show more content…

This meant almost any teacher with tenure at Max Abbott held me to a higher standard than other students because I was known as Señora Saldaña’s son. Though, due to my experiences in elementary school and the strict upbringing from my mother I never crumbled under these expectations. I always represented the highest class, academic, and athletic standards throughout the school. Pertaining to the athletic standards, middle school was where I began playing baseball. This sport became the first, but definitely not the last, of my athletic loves. I started playing baseball because of a bet I lost to my mother which I cannot remember to this day. She constantly tried to get me to play baseball as a younger child but I always resented the game then. I wish I had given in to her wisdom because after two years of playing the game I developed into one of the better players of my age. So great in fact, I always moved into an older aged league than I was supposed to because of my talents. I am sincerely appreciative of my mother’s persistence for always bringing my to the game I loved even if it took years to achieve from her. During the high school years I became more evident of the timely and financial obligations my mother endured for me. Being a single mother, with only the salary of a teacher with a father that never paid child support, I always wonder how my mother

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