
Narrative Essay On Track And Field

Decent Essays

Failure does not bring you down, it teaches you lessons to succeed later in life. In life you have to fail at something to only come back, work harder, and reach success. I have failed so many times in my 18 years of growing up. One incident that really changed me as a person and showed me a whole different perception of life growing up was my encounter of Track & Field. I encountered so many obstacles on my way when I got myself into it. My driven desire although helped me come back and earn my moment of success later on. It all started my freshman year of high school, my friends would say “Do track, your fast”, and without no doubt I went for it.

I was excited but was not there for competition only to just see how I would do in the sport. “I can’t wait to see how you …show more content…

As we are finishing up the workout, intense pain surrounds my foot. I can barely walk as I am limping and tears are running down my face. I walk down to the athletic trainer to see what is causing the pain. “It looks like you may have tendonitis, as she says and refers me to go see a doctor. I am lost for words as I am getting hurt so early in the season and i just began. I tell my parents and they take me to the doctor and recommend ex-rays. Feeling anxious as i am waiting for results, the results come within an hour. Sitting alongside my mom, the doctors confirms, “You do have swelling and tendonitis as well as possible stress fracture”. I am feeling as terrible as all of this is happening to me in such a bad manner of time. The proclaim by doctor continues, “You’re going to need a boot and crutches for 2 weeks and see your athletic trainer at school for physical therapy, you should start running after your done with your physical therapy”. I cannot believe this is happening to me all right now and I am not guaranteed a chance to run. The day goes by as I get my crutches and boot and go home. This is going to be a long 2 weeks as I said but I am so upset that I won’t be able to run

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