
Narrative Essay : The Outsider

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Barrios, Emely Prof. Schusler ENC 1101/ Narrative Essay 4. Oct. 2017 The Outsider At times in life there comes something called change. In my opinion, I was not a big fan of change. You cannot imagine how I was feeling when my mother announced that we were moving. It was the middle of my sixth-grade year, I was feeling countless emotions, none that could be explained at the moment of the announcement. The main thing on my mind was school; my friends, my outstanding teachers, and the environment. All things I had left behind. All I could think about was, “How will I ever adjust?” I knew exactly what was to come, I knew exactly what I was going to become, an outcast. There were numerous of ways on why I was feeling this way, but …show more content…

On the other hand, students were receiving passing grades and I was the only student that had yet to understand the material. Throughout sixth grade I wandered the school halls glancing at other students smiling and laughing. All I wanted was a friend to associate with in those times of need. Low self-esteem was a result of me being alone. Many times, I struggle with classwork and homework due to not having the courage to ask questions. My grades were slowly decreasing and what I thought I knew became blank to me. Not having confidence in what I knew affected me. Catching up to my peers was the hardest thing I had to do. Becoming a new student half way into the school year challenged me to the point that I had to review all the lessons since the beginning of the year and teach them to myself. The consequences of not doing so guaranteed a failing grade in the class. Another reason as to why I had to go back through all the lessons was for the state exams at the end of the sixth-grade year. Being eleven years old, I believed to have had a an amount of significant stress. I felt like an outsider very often, I was the only new student trying to learn the material. Overall, being an outsider affected me physically and mentally. It created a long-lasting effect in terms of my future school years. Having no one to speak to, different teaching styles, and catching up on all my work

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