
Native American Natives

Decent Essays

Native Americans Native Americans roamed the land and did as they pleased, almost ancient technology. That was until white settlers came in and took away their land and buffalo. Whites forced them to adapt to white culture and learn how to farm wheat, and go to school. Whites even put them on indian reservations that had poor soil so their farming techniques were difficult.. Indians were nomads, they chased their food and never stayed in one home for too long. They used older technology like smoke signals. The finding of the buffalo was remarkable, they could kill the game and use every single part of it. Indians would use the bladder as canteens and the tendons as strings for their bows. It provided them with multiple luxuries, and when …show more content…

They even tried to say that they were helping the Indians by making them downsize. They would say that the annuities they gave me made up fro the smaller land. Whites did this with the Dawes Act an act that allowed authorization of president to move Native Americans onto reservations. To make matters worse, they then enforced Indians to basically become whites they could do this with Assimilation. Assimilation is trying to get one to change or become like one’s culture. Many settlers, thought it was actually fair because they get 160 and so do the indians plus annuities yearly. White settlers probably thought they got the short end of the deal because indians got land and money. They thought they were helping the Indians with their farming and newer technology. That the killing of the buffalo and Assimilation would help indians be better off. Native Americans were treated extremely unfairly. They were thrown onto reservations, and we killed their buffalo. Some may it was justified, but it wasn’t. Imagine whenever people come over to your house uninvited you feel kinda like what are you doing here? So just picture their situation of all misery, and just for gold and silver. We did need them to move along with us or move out of the way, but the way we took the situation was horrible. Whites were not justified to take the Indian’s land and kill their buffalo we should have probably been a little more kind

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