
Native American Short Stories

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His mother stumbled as the storm broke. Gabe was closer and scooped her up, urging his father quickly over the creek at the bottom of the ravine and up the other side. He held the lamp high as Mama complained that he should set her down. He bounced her higher in his arms so that she grabbed tightly to his neck. Confidently, he headed toward a sheltering slab of granite to the right of the trail. He’d used this shelter before. Papa had taught him every step of these trails had been trod thousands of times by the Indians here. Every trail they followed had been made by deer and animals before them. All led to shelter, water, or food, sometimes all three. At the end of a day’s travel, if one looked, there was usually an overhang, crevice or cave …show more content…

Relieved Mama hadn’t broken or turned anything, the three relaxed, watching the fire gust from the wild storm outside. All passed around the bottle. “Are you glad we came? Saw you dancing with that girl,” Papa wiped the mouth of the bottle before passing it. “Alma,” Gabe looked back over his shoulder trying to see their faces. “What did you think of her?” “Good dancer, a little thin,” Papa answered. “She was good to her mother,” Mama said, “like you are to me, Gabe.” At the mouth of the opening, all three were startled by a pair of glowing red eyes. The men shouted and the woman screeched until it disappeared. It was the bear or panther whose den they’d taken. Gabe offered to stand guard while they slept. Papa stared at him, took another swallow of wine and left the half empty bottle with Gabe. No one had a blanket, but it wasn’t long before the couple on the springy brush pile were snoring. <><><> Gabe’s mind was still on Alma anyway. Remembering how quickly she would raise her hand when the teacher asked a question. When she didn’t get the answer right, the teacher would call on Gabe. After more incidents of teasing, Miz Dovie moved the shy, dark skinned boy closer to her desk. He would have refused, but it allowed him to sit across from

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