
Natural Characteristics Of Characters In Jon Krakauer's Into The Wild

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Mini-Essay One:
Many authors utilize the natural characteristics of characters based on their age, gender, or race. Jon Krakauer builds an argument within his novel Into the Wild. He specifically focuses on young men, and their desire for adventure and high-risk situations.
On multiple occasions within the novel, the author states many examples of teenage boys setting out and adventuring into the complete wilderness. For example,
Krakauer writes, “ When McCandless turned up dead in Alaska and the perplexing circumstances of his demise were reported in the news and media”, (70). The use of these stories allows the author to create an illusion of young men with constant risks. It appears that the author makes an attempt to classify the younger generations of today; however, he also mentions the multitude of ways that the boys give up their worldly possessions.
These two characteristics of the author create a label for young men, and one way this is represented is through their deaths. Their deaths can be interpreted to mimic the lack of survival and rustic skills in today’s generation. As said by many adults and older individuals, today’s kids are glued to their technology and have no drive. Krakauer uses many different techniques to build his opinion on young men and how they are drawn to risky situations.
Jon Krakauer manufactures his thoughts on younger men within his novel. Into the Wild includes multiple examples and indirect hints towards his opinions. These clues are present through all the highs and lows of the novel and represent today’s new generation of adults.
Mini-Essay Two:
Jon Krakauer and many other authors use family relationships to help show character characteristics. Within Into the Wild, one specific relationship between Alex and his father out shines all of the others. This rather complicated partnership is seen multiple times within the novel, and the author uses this to reveal the importance of their relationship Within the novel, Krakauer emphasizes the importance of relationships within his novel. He accomplishes this goal by sharing the relationship between Chris McCandless and his father Walt McCandless. Their hard relationship is specifically a fault of Chris.
However, their

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