
Essay on Nature in Context vs. Nature out of Context

Decent Essays

Nature in Context vs. Nature out of Context Nature has long been the focus of many an author's work, whether it is expressed through poetry, short stories, or any other type of literary creation. Authors have been given an endless supply of pictures and descriptions because of nature's infinite splendor that can be vividly reproduced through words. It is because of this fact that often a reader is faced with two different approaches to the way nature is portrayed. Some authors tend to look at nature from a more extensive perspective as in William Wordsworth's "I wandered Lonely as a Cloud." While some authors tend to focus more on individual aspects of nature and are able to captivate the reader with their intimate portrayals of …show more content…

But the second line in this poem, "sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find," was particularly interesting to me for I relate to its feelings of optimism and accord. In a way it also seems that the second stanza is heavy with sleepiness, with the exception of the last four lines, as displayed in the above quote with words like the "winnowing wind", "Drows'd", and "sound asleep". The four last lines of the second stanza, as I mentioned earlier, describes Autumn in pure action, "Steady thy laden head across a brook; /Or by a cider-press, with patient look," by bringing out the true active lifestyle of what nature truly is. Again, through his imagination Keats is able to embark upon what he is really seeing. The purpose of the poem becomes clear in the final stanza, and in the warmth of the second line, "Where are the songs of spring? Ay, where are they? /Think not of them, Thou hast thy music too," where Keats sheds light on the idea that that everything has a purpose. It would appear that Autumn, the season which robs us of the warmth of summer, where the leaves come tumbling from the trees, the season that prepares the world for a dark and cold winter ahead, has its purpose too. What would spring be without death, light without dark, but indeed it appears that Keats is thinking of life without death. In this poem, Keats is able to focus in on the beauty and splendid ness of autumn in order to demonstrate that everything will change according

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