
Negative Analysis Of Harvey, The Storm That Human Helped Cause?

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Argument Analysis of a Comment on New York Times In the article "Harvey, the Storm that Human Helped Cause", the author David Leonhardt displays the miserable scene of southeast Texas after the severe storm, Harvey. The article points out that the storm has a direct correlation with the climate change straightforward and illustrates the thesis statement basing on the situation of Harvey (Leonhardt par.3). Providing abundant evidence such as the foreshadowing of the storm, caused by anomaly temperature, Mr. Leonhardt claims that the catastrophe was a result of human activity (par.17). Nevertheless, scientists try to avoid this topic generally for political reasons so the author declares that people should discern the relationship between climate …show more content…

Although it is a scientific article, the author expresses his emotion between the lines, making the article really fascinating. The language in the article is pithy and direct. For instance, the first paragraph, containing only one sentence, delivers the information that how severe the storm is as well as what happened before the ravage in brief words. This expression gives readers a sense of tension and constructs an imperative atmosphere simultaneously. Meanwhile, words in the article convey readers the author's determination to disclose the relationship between the disaster and human activity. The adverb "certainly" is used for three times in order to emphasize the fact that government and scientists conceal the relevancy, expressing the author’s resolution (pars.4, 8, 17). Although most language in his article is terse and accurate, when mentioning the excuse which the government and scientists makes to obscure the relationship between the storm and weather change, the author changes into an ironic tone, pointing out that this kind of pretext is the same as denying the connection between cancer and

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