
Negative Effects Of Burning In Fahrenheit 451

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In Fahrenheit 451, Montag, helmet 451, was a reckless man who destroyed people’s property with fire because they had books in their homes. It was normal to Montag to destroy. It was his job. However, people change and so do their beliefs. Throughout the novel Montag begins to see life differently and has a change in attitude. Montag was done with burning books, he wanted to share and read all of them. In Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 Montag experiences the negative effects of burning, and changes from being a reckless man who was proud of his work, to a man who was enlightened by books and knowledge because of Clarisse McClellan. In the beginning of the the story Montag’s mindset is stuck on destroying. “It was a pleasure to burn” (pg.1) stated Montag. He had never truly thought about what he was doing or the impact his actions had on people's lives. That was until he met Clarisse McClellan. She wasn’t like your average teen. She was very mature for her age and understood life and what was going on around the world. She began talking to him about being a fireman and how she wasn’t scared of him and Montag was confused “Why should you be?” (pg.11) questioned Montag. Because of this comment Montag’s mind began stirring around like an electric beater. “He saw himself in her eyes…”(pg.11). This is when Montag started to begin thinking about what he was doing. Her eyes were fixed on his face and a question came to her mind “Are you happy?”
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(pg.14) and with that she

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