
Negative Effects Of Music With Dementia

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Imagine having a stressful day at work and going out to the vehicle and not having any sound. Try to envision what life would be like not knowing what music was or how it sounded. Music has its way of connecting with people mentally, physically, and emotionally. Some people may question why music is so memorable, powerful, and emotional. Many people have songs that remind them of things such as relationships, break-ups, or sadly a death, and many more things. Music has been around for many centuries, but what people may not know is that music can help with one’s health (Music on the Brain). Something that many people may not know is that music connects with people who have dementia and Alzheimer’s disease as well. Music therapy leads to a positive effect on patients because it sparks one’s memory, makes one’s mood change, and it helps a person’s quality of life.
Many tend to get dementia and Alzheimer’s confused, but they are two different diseases. People with dementia have symptoms that can vary greatly such as memory loss, communication and language, ability to focus and pay attention, reasoning and judgement, and visual perception. There are 36 million people estimated to live with dementia, and this number is rapidly increasing” (Alzheimer’s Disease International, 2012). When someone has dementia, it starts off slowly but then progresses quickly. “Dementia is a chronic or persistent disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury and

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