
Negative Effects Of Toddlers And Tiaras

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Toddlers and Tiaras Media has shown misrepresentation of women and girls on reality TV shows. Women and girls are treated like objects and only appreciated for their beauty rather than their intelligence. According to Child Beauty Pageants Statistics, reality shows have become a large part of the American culture, “based on statistics, about 5,000 child beauty pageants are held every year and 250,000 child contestants are participating (para 3). The reality TV show named, Toddlers and Tiaras is an example of a reality show about a beauty pageant competition for children. Toddlers and Tiaras negatively impacts young participants’ lives and viewer lives physically and psychologically. The physical and psychological effects of beauty pageants on participants are: children’s behavior, negative body image and child abuse. Parents force competitive behavior in their children which is important, but only to limited area because this may lead to negative attitude. In addition, children do not accept failure in life and never able to learn how to overcome that fear. In case, a child loses in the competition, their self-confidence decreases which increases the chances of depression in their adulthood. According to the article, Child Beauty Pageants Statistics, “…some of them have felt unpleasant impacts when they joined…about six percent of beauty pageants participants have suffered from depression” (para. 3). It is very difficult for young females to gain their normal life

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